OGPD Writing Program

The Summer 2024 OGPD Writing Program application is now OPEN

The Writing Program is a free, non-credit professional development activity, which aims to provide community and social support for graduate students during the writing stage of their programs. The program uses small, focused discussion groups over the course of a term to build, establish, and reinforce writing habits with peers pursuing similar goals.

Participants must be actively engaged in a writing project (thesis, dissertation, manuscript, qualifying exams, research papers, literature reviews, etc.) to join the program.

Note: the Writing Program will be held on Zoom.



Other resources on writing

Want to improve your academic writing skills? Check out our upcoming and recorded workshops and Communication competency page.

Want 1-on-1 help? You can get feedback on your writing through UF’s Writing Studio. For more details, visit their page and make an appointment in their TutorTrac app.

Any other Writing Program questions? Contact Caroline Reeg, Education/Training Specialist, Office of Graduate Professional Development at creeg@ufl.edu.

Dates: June 11, 2024 - August 6, 2024


  • Tuesdays 8:30am - 10am (With optional extra 30-minutes till 10:30am for those wishing to continue writing)

Weekly Meeting Structure:

  • Weekly 90-minute meetings (60 minutes will be devoted to individual writing)
  • Discussion groups will be created based on initial application information
  • Groups will have 6-8 students
  • In these small groups, participants will:
    • Discuss the weekly topic, individual writing goals, and targets for future weeks
    • Write for an hour
  • Program will be hosted via Zoom


The Teams Page will host:

  • Writing group schedule
  • Weekly discussion topics
  • Resource page

Students selected to participate in the OGPD Writing Program are expected to:

  • Develop a discussion plan that works for their entire group
  • Attend weekly meetings throughout the program
  • Explore resources in Teams
  • Complete group-designated tasks
  • Write for one hour each week while in their breakout rooms over Zoom
  • Act as discussion leader on specified weeks
  • Set weekly writing goals

Week 1: Program Introduction and SMART Goals, Meet Group, Write - June 11

Week 2: Your Writing Process/Starting to Write - June 18

Week 3: NO MEETING (Summer Break. Focus on self-care and rest!) - June 25

Week 4: Strengths and Weaknesses - July 2

Week 5: Writing Anxiety and Writer's Block - July 9

Week 6: Editing - July 16

Week 7: Peer Feedback #1 - July 23

Week 8: Peer Feedback #2 - July 30

Week 9: Wrap-up - August 6

The Summer 2024 OGPD Writing Program application is Closed!

Check back for the Fall Program.

Contact Caroline Reeg, Education/Training Specialist, Office of Graduate Professional Development at creeg@ufl.edu if you have any questions or concerns.